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Брюс Уиллис vs Apple

Bruce Willis to fight Apple over rights to music collection after his death
The Die Hard actor, 57, wants to leave the haul to his daughters Rumer, Scout and Tallulah.
But under iTunes' current terms and conditions, customers essentially only 'borrow' tracks rather than owning them outright.
So any music library amassed like that would be worthless when the owner dies.
Willis has asked advisers to set up a trust that holds his downloads, which reportedly include classics from the Beatles to Led Zeppelin, to get around this rule.
The action star is also backing legal moves to increase the rights of downloaders.
Apple can freeze users’ accounts if they suspect them of sharing tunes with others.
Chris Walton, an estate specialist at Irwin Mitchell, told a newspaper: “Lots of people will be surprised on learning all those tracks and books they have bought over the years don’t actually belong to them.
“It’s only natural you would want to pass them on to a loved one.”

отсюда: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/4517317/Bruce-Willis-to-fight-Apple-over-music-rights-after-his-death.html
Тут я на стороне Уиллиса. Впрочем, он таки сам залез в эту дыру, подсев на «яблоки» :)

04 сентября 2012

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